Welcome returning and potential exhibitors!!!

This portion of the New England Society of Allergy website is specific to corporate exhibitors to display at upcoming New England Society of Allergy meetings and to address questions you or your corporation may have.

The New England Society of Allergy is a non-profit organization of board certified allergists and immunologists in the six New England states and New York. The New England Society of Allergy was founded in 1956 for the purpose of fostering the study of the science and the practice of allergy; to foster high standards of the practice of allergy; to educate its members by presenting educational programs; and to promote the health and welfare of allergy patients through education of its members.

We have more than 170 physician members and we hold scientific meetings twice yearly in the New England area.


005The display areas for exhibits are typically standard table top displays in one of the meeting rooms or main corridor, separate, but next to, the lecture halls of the meeting.

  1. Completed forms and payment are required 30 days before scheduled meeting to secure a table.
  2. Upon arrival of the meeting date, all exhibitors of every table MUST sign in and provide a business card.
  3. Tables are not assigned and are based on a first come, first serve basis.
  4. We do allow exhibits to be displayed on your established table overnight prior to the scheduled meeting. For the Fall Meeting, please keep in mind the location changes from year to year. Therefore,  please call the venue directly to confirm overnight displaying and also to set up any deliveries that need to shipped for your exhibit.
  5. Exhibitors are expected to be set up by 7:00am in the morning prior to the start of conference. 
  6. Exhibitors are NOT to break down prior to 4:00pm for the Spring Meeting (Friday) and 12:00pm on Sunday for the Fall Meeting.
  7. The exhibitor booth must have a representative(s) available during the entire duration of the conference.
  8. Pre-registration information will NOT be distributed prior to the meeting.  This is included in the exhibitor welcome packet.
  9. Exhibitor welcome packets include: Agenda(s), name badges, list of pre-registered attendees, industry letter and agreement for upcoming meetings, “bingo” sample card, bingo stamp, dinner reservations (fall meeting only), exhibitor feedback form, NESA business cards.

Forms are included here.  If you have any questions, please contact Christine Barboza, Administrative and Exhibitor Coordinator at nesocietyallergy@gmail.com

Please send a completed agreement as soon as possible to reserve your table. Space is limited and first come first serve.